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Re: Question - Childrens self view of stuttering

From: Jennifer Watson
Date: 10/14/03
Time: 5:26:32 PM
Remote Name:


Although I have not systematically studied self-esteem in children, we address self-esteem issues with children throughout our treatment. I do not know if there is a negative correlation between severity of stuttering and self-esteem (e.g., as severity increases, self-esteem decreases). In fact, I have met many adults who stutter who exhibit minimal stuttering behaviors, yet react very negatively to the loss of control and subesquently have very low self-esteem. And conversely, some folks have severe blocks yet great slef-esteem. I guess the message is you really need to be diligent in learning about and from your clients and not to assume anything. Jennifer

Last changed: September 14, 2005