Counseling Parents of Children Who Stutter

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Counseling and the student clinician

From: Michelle Graber
Date: 11 Oct 2004
Time: 14:44:28 -0500
Remote Name:


I'd like to start by thanking you for providing this article for the ISAD conference. It seems that clients, particularly those having fluency disorders, tend to have alot of emotions, memories, fears, etc. that they associate with their disorder. Therefore, your article seems very pertinent to working with these individuals. I am a first year grad student, who is just starting to see clients for the first time. As a student, I feel I will rely more on forms and procedures (during therapy) than a seasoned clinician would. Therefore, I am concerned that my information-giving will be just that, since it is something that I am more accustomed to. Do you have any advice specific for the novice clinician regarding the fusion of information-giving and counseling? Also, are there CEU's available to SLPs that deal with the issue of counseling? Thanks again!

Last changed: 09/12/05