Intensive Treatment: Let's Look At Teens

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Communcation Attitude Test

From: Mary K. Burke
Date: 18 Oct 2004
Time: 19:23:14 -0500
Remote Name:


Hello Ms. Cochrane, I am in my first semester of the Master’s program in speech-language pathology at West Virginia University. Your study on an intensive treatment program for teen stutterers is very interesting, and I would be interested to see your one-year follow up data. I do have one question for you regarding Dr. Brutten’s Communication Attitude Test. What was your reasoning for not giving the CAT to the boys prior to the start of the therapy program? Considering the boys are in their “teenage years,” a time when attitudes and emotions often are quite unpredictable, I think it would be interesting to see how the therapy changed, or didn’t change, their attitude about communication. (I have a feeling that we would see a positive difference!) Thank you for your time, and for sharing your study. –Mary Burke

Last changed: 09/12/05