Therapeutic Listening

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Re: Parental involvement

From: RETZ
Date: 22 Oct 2004
Time: 14:13:42 -0500
Remote Name:


Meghan....Great Questions....! It has been my professional experience that Parents must absolutely be actively involved in the treatment process. Parents usually initially come in want the professionals--me-- to "fix" the problem, give them the "cure"...."Therapuetic Listening" is a learned behavior. The ty[pe of listening Joe and I are talking about requires professionals to educate/demonstrate and assign homework to parents to learn how to develop these skills. Parents of CWS/TWS are not used to doing this type of therapy. They expect profesionals to teach their child how not to stutter or how to control their stuttering. Listening is a learned behavior, and I "stay on " the parent until they get it. And if you are a parent of a CWS/TWS, you must learn to apply these skills for a lifetime. No matter what the age, a PWS desires to be listened to even if they stutter. Yes...Use the skills for the lifetime. That is a truth.

Last changed: 09/12/05