What I Wish I Had Know Then

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Re: support group?

From: Katie Dauer
Date: 20 Oct 2004
Time: 20:08:08 -0500
Remote Name:


Dori, I am quite surprised at your comments about the support group and the fact that you were put in room "to read people magazine." We actually have Time Magazine (ha,ha). Actually you were put in that conference room the first time because we wanted to have the adolescents and school age sttuterers feel comfortable in the other room. We felt the conference room was too cold and most of these adolescents have never even met another person who stutters. Therefore, we wanted them to feel as comfortable as possible. At this point the group is only for the clients who stutter. That is because we also have an adult group on that same night and we only have 2 therapists to manage the groups. As for your comment about the therapists not seeing the parent as an important part of therapy, I believe that if you talked to any one of the parents in our clinic that they would indicate to you that we believe they are very important in our work with their children and that it is not just "lip service." We involve our parents to a very great extent by asking them to read information, watch videos, include them in portions of therapy sessions and get their input on how things are going. We can not do the job without them and infact they most often help the process. In our future, we may have the ability to have a parent group also. However, not all parents have the same needs as you do. Katie Dauer

Last changed: 09/12/05