Obsessions With Language

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Great visual

From: Marija, Croatia
Date: 11 Oct 2004
Time: 16:49:22 -0500
Remote Name:


Dear Jesse, I actually laughed out loud on that part about difusing nuclear bombs... It's exactly like that. And seeing the mine-field, feeling a physical side of words. If I start saying things like this to somebody, they think I'm sliding away from sanity... So thank YOU for convincing me that I am still sane and not the only person feeling this. My biggest problem is the phone too. The worst is at work. When my colleagues are there, they know they have to pick up the phone, and when I'm alone I sometimes even let the phone ring. Sometimes it rings for 20 times, it can drive a person crazy. And when I have to call someone I don't know and there is no way out, I feel squeezed by huge dark grey clouds. Thank you for writing this story about your stammer as picturesque as you did. I can really see it. And the poems.... Bravo.

Last changed: 09/12/05