My Life as a Covert Stutterer

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Re: The importance of self-disclosure

From: RB
Date: 14 Oct 2005
Time: 10:59:51 -0500
Remote Name:


Thanks for writing. I think that it's great that you (an aspiring SLP) are seeking out this forum and learning more about stuttering. I agree with everything you said about the importance of self-disclosure. It's extremely helpful and has proven to be an invaluable resource for me, time and time again. Having said that, it's A LOT easier said than done. There are many benefits to "advertising" stuttering and you touched on several of those benefits. On the other hand, you should think of this exercise as the equivalent to asking someone who is uncomfortable with his/her body to take off all their clothes and walk around naked. It's incredibly difficult. All of a sudden, you are vulnerable. You are "exposing" your secret and that is a very scary thing to do...particularly when you're in middle school! On the other hand, it DOES help put the PWS at ease and it's very useful. But it took me many years to feel comfortable to tell anybody about my stuttering and I don't think I would have had the courage to do so when I was in middle school. I think the best thing to do would be to remind your clients about the benefits of this, but don't press on it too hard. I think, much like voluntary stuttering, the PWS can only do it when they truly want to do it. -rb

Last changed: 10/24/05