Because I Stutter

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From: Russ Hicks
Date: 23 Oct 2006
Time: 10:23:01 -0500
Remote Name:


Hello students, ..... As this wonderful ISAD conference begins to wind down, I want to say how much I have appreciated ALL of your wonderful questions and comments. You really have no idea how much they have meant to me. THANK YOU! You've really kept me hopping over the course of the last three weeks responding to your inputs, but I hope you've had as much fun as I have. <smile> I'm genuinely sorry to see this conference close. ..... As you might have suspected, I have a very soft spot in my heart for student SLP's. YOU are the future of the speech pathology profession and it's up to old guys like me to help you along your way. You will help my grandchildren and great grandchildren and you will train the ones who will help people who stutter for generations to come. I think what you are doing is SOOO important! ..... I want to extend a special invitation to each and every one of you to join Stutt-L. Stutt-L, officially named "Stuttering: Research and Clinical Practice," is the grandaddy of all stuttering internet discussion groups. It was founded in the early 1990's and currently has about 500 members. Among the members are some of the best speech-language pathologists on the planet. While the list was originally founded for professional SLPs to share research, clinical and academic information, it became obvious pretty quickly that we needed to get people who actually stutter involved with the group too. Then it became obvious that we needed to get students involved too because YOU are our future. Right now there is a good mixture of professionals, students and people who stutter on the list. And they are ALL very nice people! If you want to sit down with friends and discuss and ask questions about stuttering, there isn't a better place to do it than Stutt-L! I like to think of Stutt-L as a year-long extension of this ISAD conference. ..... To join Stutt-L go to and select "Join or leave the list (or change settings)". Then on the resulting screen fill in your name and email address and press "Join the list." We'd LOVE to have you join us! ..... Regardless of whether on not you join Stutt-L, I'd love to keep in touch with you as the months and years go by. My email address is and if I can ever do anything to help you - or if you just need a friend - be sure to drop me an email. My home page is and I'd be honored if you'd come by for a visit sometime and sign my guest book. ..... When I speak to classes of student SLPs, I always conclude by saying, "Thank you for dedicating YOUR career and YOUR life to MY cause. You are my heroes. I love you all." .... My best wishes go with you in school and in life. ..... Russ, my email is ..... PS, Happy International Stuttering Awareness Day, October 22, 2006!

Last changed: 10/30/06