Recovery from stuttering means creating a new internal order

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Hexagon Theory

From: Zeya Alikhan
Date: 10/18/01
Time: 10:14:16 AM
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Hello Stefan Bogdanov,

Thanks for your article and also of reminding me of the Hexagon Theory. A few years ago I attended a one day workshop held by John Harrison and he talked about his theory. This workshop forever changed my view on stuttering. Finally there was something written about stuttering that made total sense to me. (If there is anyone else reading this has not read the Hexagon Theory I strongly recommend you go read it.) I will go back and study it further.

You are correct with your talk about posture. I have often found that if I am slouched forward that it can be more of a challenge for me to speak in the manner I want to, due to the lack of proper airflow. As for the physiological response of the Hexagon have you looked at the role of the adrenal stress equation which will definitely end up changing our physiology?

Zeya Alikhan

Last changed: September 12, 2005