DAF Discussion

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Re: DAF device in the ear

From: Woody
Date: 10/9/01
Time: 8:34:34 AM
Remote Name:


Hello again:

I repeat that I am not at all opposed to the use of devices. I know of some of the cases you describe, and I am always delighted to hear that someone has had success. However, anecdotes do not convince me of the carryover effect. There are too many alternative explanations. As I suspected you were not able to give me any published evidence of a carryover effect, and, as a scientist, I have to continue to believe that there is no such effect until I see clear evidence to the contrary. There is no such evidence in the literature, nor is there any in the individual stories that you mention. And in my personal experience, the effect of these devices disappears as soon as it is removed. I have personally seen this happen very many times. If my personal experience had been otherwise, my belief about the carryover effect would certainly have been influenced by it, but the facts are otherwise.

So, congratulations to you on your recovery, but don't claim that there is a carryover effect until there is real evidence for it. Personal stories are the weakest form of evidence.


Last changed: September 12, 2005