Accepting a Gift -- the Gift of Acceptance

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The Gift of Acceptance

From: Larisa Harrison, First Year Grad ECU-SLP
Date: 10/21/01
Time: 3:28:57 PM
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Having just gone through an emotionally and physically turbulent year, I read this article a few times- and commend the author. I commend him not simply for the article, but for the successful psycholgical transformation he has undergone. I hope that most of us would not want to chage the place with another- flaws and all. There are certain pathologies that I have that I wish I could get rid of. I find, as does the author, that dwelling on something that can't be changed can really belittle your self esteem. Once you envision yourself in a more perfect light, you become disappointed with the actual you. To reach the point of acceptance, rather than remaining wishful, takes an enormous amount of time and effort. Those who are "stuck" in wishful thinking may NEVER realize acceptance allows self confidence to build. I wonder if there is anyway possible to encourage stutterers and others who suffer a chronic pathology to be nmade aware of the importance of self acceptance- and to work to achieve it.

Last changed: September 12, 2005