Multicultural Considerations in the Treatment of Stuttering


Re: Thank you for raising my awareness

From: Fred Hall
Date: 10/14/00
Time: 7:33:05 AM
Remote Name:


Gunars,Thanks for taking time to read the article. I can somewhat relate to your experience coming from another culture. Even though I'm from the US being a minority has presented me with many challenges of trying to assimilate to the dominant Euro-American culture. My roots run deep with my African-American heritage. I understand the Euro-American culture but am amazed how difficult it is for many Euro-Americans to understand the African-American culture. Is it lack of research, education, willingness? I'm not sure there is one answer. I preface my answers to your questions in this frame because I believe its important for professionals to continue to research, study, interact with various cultures and not adopt an attitude from perceptions created by media. One way clinicians can avoid making serious mistakes in a therapy setting is not to enter a session with preconceived ideas about certain cultures and or groups of people. In regards to your second question, there are books regarding different cultures. I will send those references to you later. I don't have that information at this moment. As far as getting a good feel for understanding one's culture by befriending a client, certainly could provide a clinician with a wealth of information but it would only be from one perspective.

Last changed: September 12, 2005