Word-Final Dysfluencies: Ten Infrequently Asked Questions

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Looking at the other end.

From: Jim Clarkson Australia
Date: 10/6/01
Time: 9:41:05 AM
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Thank you for the very interesting papers. Of particular interest to me is Camarata 1989. Showing some similarity to us, except we stutter at beginings not ends. Some relevant details of us are,Case J 50 year old male. With original intensive therapy program he is effectivly forced into self recognition of core problem of apparent indecision on similar words(thought images)begining with the sound /p/, resulting in part word repetitions even at slow rates (80spm). Not being his only problem but considering it to be his final hurdle of recognition before breaking point for this exercise we could call it his deepest core problem known thus far. With periods of remission blocks and all, twenty years later at times of good motivated smooth fluency the exact same spontanious recognition occurs on /p/ sounds.Case J has no history of avoidance on p but would often use filler words to begin with /b/ sound. Case M son of Case J. Stutters from day one. Put through intensive therapy program. goes okay up until first reading assignment were he continually skips whole words. When prompted to sound out individual words he pronounces /b/ as /p/(to shock of Case J I might add}. A dyslexic problem was suggested. Although this is some what visual imagery as against thought imagery, this would have been driven into him verbally and visually from the school teachers blackboard. Note /p/ also thought to be changed to /b/ but in reference to your papers this may have been only an asumption by others. Case M still has continual stream of blocks. It has now become apparent to Case J that son is possibly more similiar to him than first thought(or did not want to beleive). If we subtract the effect of a fight or flight response Case J feels he to could be similair to Camarata 1989. If so could you propose some possible theoretrical examples of similar thought sound images ending with /p/t/k/ for the interst of Case J. Also I think Case J may have renewed motivation to go after his blocks.

Last changed: September 12, 2005