Stuttering Camp in Japan


Re: "Rational belief behavior therapy"

From: Masuhiko Kawasaki
Date: 10/14/00
Time: 9:04:35 AM
Remote Name:


Thank you for your comment. As you said, "rational belief behavior therapy" is just the same as what is know in United States as Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Some of us learned REBT from the therapist who had learned REBT from Albert Elis. Also Shinji Ito, the Executive Director of JSP, published the technical book of REBT in Japan. Children can understand REBT. They seems to like the way of thinking of REBT. We think REBT and stuttering are well-suited to each other. Second question. Most children want to attend the next year's summer camp. That why the number of participants increase every year.

Last changed: September 12, 2005