What You Can Do For Your Child When He Is Being Teased For Stuttering

conference october 22th

From: Rachel Fortin
Date: 10/17/00
Time: 4:57:46 PM
Remote Name:


Hi, I found your article very interesting. I'm working with children who stutter and the advices you gave were very pertinent. L'Association des jeunes bègues du Québec (association of young stutterer of Quebec) is giving a conference day for parents of young stutterer on october 22th. A friend and I will give one of the conference, especially for parents who are waiting for services in speech-language pathology. I think it will be very interesting to give a word about teasing and what parents can do. With your authorization, I would like to talk about your paper and use some information from it. Do I have your permission?

Last changed: September 12, 2005