Speech Pathologists Can Help Children Who Are Teased Because They Stutter



From: Bill Murphy to Jennifer Smith
Date: 10/8/00
Time: 1:39:46 PM
Remote Name:


Jennifer, You ask good questions. I think prolonged speech( depending on the length of prolongation) and/or easy stuttering modification to be more fluent than stuttered speech but of course not true fluency. However as clients lose their fear of stuttering, and hone their use of speaking techniques, their speech becomes even more fluent because they stutter less and the remaining disfluency becomes quite smooth and non distracting to the listener. As to your other question, No I don't think speech fllied with circumlocutions is true fluency. The stuttering disoder is still present. The stutterer has no freedom to say what he/she really wants to. Many times their speech is garbled and twisted in such a way that the out come is clumsy or unintelligible. I believ that true fluency, when we're talking about stuttering, is the ability to say what you want to say, when you want to say it, without fear and embarrassment and with little distraction to the listner.

Last changed: September 12, 2005