Como nos comportamos delante del tartamudo?


Fascinating study!

From: Ken St. Louis
Date: 10/17/00
Time: 1:00:46 PM
Remote Name:


Dear Pedro,

I have finally been able to get a partial translation of your paper. I had to take copy it in small pieces into the Alta Vista translation program. I believe I have the important information.

Your study was very thorough and carefully analyzed. We have been talking about a common stuttering stereotype for several years in the USA. I have wondered the extent to which it might also be true in other countries. It certainly appears that the negative adjectives that were most frequently selected, "timid,", "nervous, and "uncertain" are consistent with much of the research done in this country. Nevertheless, the fact that stutterers were also described as "able," "friendly," and "collaborating" suggests that this stereotype is not a simple negative view of those who stutter.

When you did the factor analysis (if I understand correctly), you found a significant difference for compassion in perception but not for behavior. Is that correct? Also, you indicated that the compassion factor was included with open rejection as a negative factor. I would imagine that those subjects who rated items high for compassion would have thought that it was a postive characteristic. Did I misunderstand?

Thanks for a great study! I know now that you will have some important insights and suggestions about the results from our IPATS study, once the Spanish version is tested.


Last changed: September 12, 2005