The Professor is In


The right hemisphere

From: Gert Reunes
Date: 10/2/00
Time: 7:21:02 AM
Remote Name:



As a stutterer and speech therapist I use often the Hausdörfer-methode what is best known in the Netherlands and Belgium. We use a technique that is almost similar with singing but it isn't. We pronounce our vowals and consonants with enormous variety of intonation, and we speak also more slowly (cfr DAF). With alot of attention to the listening of the sounds. When you practize this alot you become almost 100% fluent! Can it be that we trigger our RIGHT HEMISPHERE more than the left, and that the synchronisation of our speaking has now a dominant hemisphere (the right one, or maybe the left one because now the right has a lot of work to do...)??? Is the fighting of the two sides of the brain not the answer to our stuttering??? Afther doing this for a long time, you are speaking naturaly but it takes time... about 2 tot 5 years practizing with in our mind that we have to work on our speaking for the rest of our lives.

Best regards Gert

Last changed: September 12, 2005