The Professor is In


Re: Stuttering does not wait for tenure; the pain is constant, real, and often unbearable

From: Joe Kalinowski
Date: 10/13/00
Time: 9:21:42 AM
Remote Name:

Scott: I must disagree with you on two issues. First we do not have to
act out a behavior for a typical physiological response to that
"imagined behavior" to occur". I don't know about you, but when I go to
sleep at night I have a wide and varied range of physiological
responses to a number of "supposedly imagined" environmental stimuli.
My brain can not tell the difference between its self-generation of
dreams and "my supposed reality"--in my brain all stimuli are created
equal. Isn't all we experience virtual reality anyway? There is plenty
of speech data to support that notion both empirically and rationally.
See Motor Theory... Second, Roger Ingham's work is being published in
THE TOP TIER scientific journals in the world! He, like our research
group, has apparently left the exclusive domain of the ASHA "speech
community". It may be, like our research group, that Dr. Ingham is
tired of the dogged and vested interests of those gatekeepers in power
at JSHR and AJSLP. (What great science has come out of JSHR in awhile?)
When we find something compelling we go to bigger and better journals.
That isn't our fault that is the fault of those at ASHA.) When we go to
journals with much higher standards in science, please DO not be harsh
on us!! We only want to find answers and play the game of science with
those who have little vested interest-except to find answers
to compelling questions. Finally, we go to other mediums because we
challenge the "establishment (e.g., see WWW, Napster,
psychopharmacology (Listening to Prozac--remember when we thought we
could talk ourselves out of everything--ala Freud), etc.) Our group at
ECU has had between 4- 6 papers queued up at JSHR and AJSLP for the
last 2 years --none have been published! But---we have had 2
published by Neuroscience Letters and--- one by my doc students just
sent one for review at Nature! We can't wait for the ASHA, JSHR, AJSLP,
to change--we will go to better journals to ensure our duty to those
who stutter. However, we must "tell those in speech who may be
interested where to find our work! This--the need to promote
peer-reviewed scientific articles. These are not to be confused with
chapters or textbooks, which pontificate answers. These are a
higher order of work and should never be confused with the opinion
pieces... I get E-mail all the time saying that people need help, they
are tired of waiting and can't take blaming themselves any more for
stuttering. I'm with them! But with the caution of using scientific
peer-reviewed articles as a foundation and always having the a series
of checks and balances to ensure that our enthusiasm to find an answer
with procedures that are adherent to the scientific methods---Patience
is for those like us with a good job, a family, and plenty of security.
Those who suffer so badly under the yoke of stuttering just can't wait
for slow journals and dogma. Stuttering does not wait for tenure;
the pain is constant, real, and often unbearable, PS Check out our new
article in Neuroscience Letters
_uids=11027847&dopt=Abstract Stutter-free and stutter-filled speech
signals and their role in stuttering amelioration for English speaking
adults. Kalinowski J, Dayalu VN, Stuart A, Rastatter MP, Rami MK
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, School of Allied
Health Sciences, East Carolina University, NC 27858-4353, Greenville,

Last changed: September 12, 2005