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Re: Qualities

From: Craig Stephenson
Date: 10/9/01
Time: 8:08:54 PM
Remote Name:


Dear Lucas,

In your paper you state that some of the best qualities that you have are a result of stuttering. I would like to know what are those qualities and how are they related to stuttering?

The strengths I feel I have gained from stuttering are many. I feel I have more compassion for anyone with a handicap, any handicap. I know how it feels to be laughed at and hurt, left out so to speak and I would never intentionally treat another person that way. This has made me more compassionate and understand towards other people. I have a huge vocabulary not of my choosing but out of necessity, which I gained from stuttering. I was not a very good student in school. My mother always used to say, “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never harm me.” I learned this is not true from stuttering. Words can hurt much more and much longer than physical pain. Therefore, I am mindful of what I say to other people, and how I say it.

Struggling with stuttering over the years has taught me patience. It is something I have had to deal with on a daily basis weather I wanted to or not. Challenges in life of any kind build character. Whatever dose not kill you makes you stronger. I learned feeling sorry for myself dose not accomplish much. I learned, everyone gets there own personal problems to deal with, a cross to carry so to speak. I tried not to carry mine for a long time. When I picked it up and did the work I found it got lighter as I carried it. Did it get lighter or did I get stronger? I think the latter is the case. Stuttering has made me stronger in many ways. I hope you have read the paper by Candace Webster. She puts stuttering in perspective. Bottom line is we all have problems, we are all meant to have problems, and the key is how we deal with them. Stuttering taught me how to deal with problems. A little at a time, day by day, never give in, never give up, if at first you don’t succeed try, try again.

I can go on if you like but I hope you see where I am going. Adversity causes growth if acted on in a positive way. Making lemonade out of lemons. Maybe God knew I look for the path of least resistance and blessed me with stuttering to give me the strength to make it through this life. Stuttering has made me stronger, more compassionate, more patient, more understanding, more humble, more respectful of others problems.

I hope this has answered you question. It was a very good question and I am very grateful you asked it.

Thank you for you interest.

Sincerely, Craig Stephenson

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