The Public Environment Where Attitudes Develop: Stuttering Versus Mental Illness And Intelligence


positive, neutral, negative attributes

From: Judy Kuster
Date: 10/13/00
Time: 4:03:00 PM
Remote Name:


Using this instrument with a fairly homogenous group of subjects provided you with some very interesting findings of how stuttering, mental illness, and intelligence are viewed. Thank you and your crew for your work, and for sharing it! Stefan Hoffman mentioned an interesting cultural difference that needed to be accommodated in the German translation of their wonderful little comic, Benni, into the Chinese language. The banter that is allowed between a child and adults in one culture is not acceptable in another. I continue to be confused about the nine different human attributes you list that are assumed to be negative, neutral or positive. How do you deal with the cultural differences in respect to those human attributes where one culture may find old, left handed, overweight as negative attributes and another culture may find those same attributes as neutral or positive?


Last changed: September 12, 2005