When all you need is a miracle, one of these will do: Role models, not fluency pills

Re: Role model qualifications?

From: Pete Amberg
Date: 10/19/00
Time: 2:29:41 PM
Remote Name:


I totally agree about the sharing, listening, and understanding that SLP's should do. I'm currently a Grad student in Communication Disorders. The role that I first envisioned as an SLP working with PWS has changed greatly since I've taken Stuttering courses and through great exposure like this. I used to think of techniques and procedures. Now I have quickly learned that I need to be there to help build trust and confidence not only between client and clinician but within the PWS themself. This is done, of course, through listening, understanding and recognizing PWS as an individual. Great article Gina! Thanks for sharing an important part of your life.

Last changed: September 12, 2005