The Match of a Lifetime: A Parable

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Signing Off

From: Dale Williams
Date: 10/22/00
Time: 11:47:56 AM
Remote Name:


As ISAD 2000 draws to a close, I would like to wish everyone the best on International Stuttering Awareness Day and also to dispense some specific acknowledgements. I will do my dispensing in chronological order.

My lousy forehand and disfluent speech: Who would have thought that one day either of you would actually be useful?

My wife Misty, who refrained from rolling her eyes when I told her my idea for a paper.

I also thank my sons Brennan and Blaine for keeping my world silly and because, if I didn't mention them, Misty would kill me.

Misty (again), Peter, Pudge, Andy, Trayce, and Tom for their ideas and advice on the various rough drafts. Even when I didn't follow your suggestions, they helped me to stay focused on the purpose of the essay. A special thanks to Tom for the title.

Everyone who read the paper, whether you remained anonymous or offered comments at the conference site, in person, over the telephone, or via private e-mails. This includes the e-mailer who wrote, "I read your's very important that you put down the weapon and back away from those children, no one will hurt you, we only want to help you, we understand why you did this......"

Jay Margolies, Managing Editor of TennisONE magazine, Cliff Kurtzman of Tennis Server, the "Tennis Twist Team," and Mike Hughes of Speak Easy Inc., all of whom took the time to read the paper and, better yet, decided to reprint it for new sets of readers.

Judy Kuster, for unflinchingly accepting to a stuttering conference a submission that did not even include the word "stuttering" (but did contain the terms "Batman," "underwear," and "Cheez Whiz"). And for once again running a conference chock-full of information, insight, civility, and professionalism.

And finally, I wish to thank in advance any future readers there might be.

Anyone, whether or not you are listed above, should feel free to contact me at I look forward to your comments.

Dale Williams 10/22/00

Last changed: September 12, 2005