Use of Helpful Counseling Techniques for Fluency Therapy

open-ended questions?

From: Tse-Hsuan Cheng
Date: 10/11/00
Time: 11:24:35 PM
Remote Name:


I have a question about that you said we should ask more open-ended questions. Don’t we have to ask them more close-ended questions? In my opinion, open-ended questions will make them more stutter because they have to use a longer sentence and have to organize what they are going to say. That means they will under a larger communication stress. If PLWS tend to become more stutter because of the complex contents and the communication stress they have to use to answer those open-ended questions, they probably will say nothing to avoid stuttering. If it happens, I could not continue to have conversation to him/her. What's your opinion?

Last changed: September 12, 2005