The National Stuttering Association (NSA) Research Committee

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Re: research committee

From: J. Scott Yaruss
Date: 10/22/01
Time: 9:17:49 AM
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Hi Jerry - Thanks for your comment...I agree with you that it is important for research to be aimed at improving treatment; but I also want to make sure that basic research is supported as well.

Even though stuttering has been studied for centuries, there is a lot to be learned. Some of that has to do with treatment, but some of it also has to do with factors such as etiology, impact of stuttering on the person's life, impact of society on stuttering, etc... Research on these fundamental issues does not necessarily inform treatment in a direct sense, but it provides critical background that we need to better understand the disorder. Perhaps that knowledge will ultimately lead to better treatment, but perhaps the impact will not be directly seen...and for me, that's okay.

My bias is that it is still beneficial and should be supported by the NSA. I hope this helps clarify at least my feelings about this -- the other committee members may take a different approach...

Again, thanks for your thoughts. S

Last changed: September 12, 2005