Spam Alert on the ISAD online conference

You may have noticed that spammers have posted spam on several threaded discussions with various titles, like "Roulette". It appears to be simply leading people to advertisements, not some of the truly ugly spam that sometimes appears. Please ignore the spam and do not try any of the links in it. It will just reinforce whoever is doing it to do more. Coming to the conference and reading the papers will not affect your computers.

If more spam appears, I will put a note in CAPS after it telling people to simply ignore it. Don't bother opening either my announcement (it is only the title and my name - there is no message) OR what the spammer sent, please.

I'm sorry about this. I knew it was a possibility, because it happened last year. I leave the threaded discussions "open" because I want the conference as accessible as I can (open). It may be that in the future people will have to register for conferences like this, but that is also extra work on this end, and at times confusing to people which may prevent them from even trying to get to the conference.

I have reported it, and hope they are able to trace down who is doing it, but that is very difficult to do. I will be deleting the spam posts as soon as I have time, for sure before I close off the conference next Monday.

In the mean time, continue to post your comments/questions.

Thank you so much!
