by Jim Abbott

In my dreams my words fly free
No longer bound by stuttering
Freed from their shackles
Flowing fluently
My words are finally free
In my dreams my tongues not tied
No longer do I want to hide
When called upon to read in school
For I no longer am the fool
My words are finally free
In my dreams their laughing ends
And no longer must I pretend
Not to hear them
No longer am I teased
My words are finally free
In my dreams I no longer feel the shame
I no longer feel the pain
My anger has gone away
I'm as happy as can be
My words are finally free
In my dreams I no longer feel alone
My friends I call up on the phone
The telephone no longer frightens me
It is not my enemy
My words are finally free
But the alarm rings & it's a brand new day
It's then I realize nothings changed
Everything is just the same
For my stuttered speech still remains
It always seems so real
At least I know how it would feel
To speak fluently
And as dawns light shines on me
My thoughts they wander wishfully
If only my speech could some how be
The same way in reality
As it always seems to be
In my dreams

added with permission of the author
June 19, 2000