Syllabus TQ5114: Stuttering F95, Page 1


FALL, 1995 Tuesdays 3:00 - 4:40 pm, Macy 172

Instructor: Merrilyn Gow
Room: Thorndike 1058
Extension: 3891

Office Hours: Mondays 4:00 to 6:00 pm and Tuesdays 2:00-3:00


1. This course is a broad overview of the current  theories and treatments 
of stuttering.  

2. The topics covered include characteristics, measurement, prevalence 
and natural history of stuttering, conditions that modify stuttering, recent 
theories, and current behavioral treatments for children, adolescents and 
adults who stutter.  


1. Students are required to complete the assigned readings PRIOR to class time.  
2. Regular class attendance is advised.  
3. Letter grades are assigned based on the total points earned from completing 
a MIDTERM (50 points) and a PAPER (50 points).  

95-100	A+
90-94	A
85-89	A-
80-84	B+
75-79	B
70-74	B-
65-69	C+
60-64	C
55-59	C-
<=54	F


1. Bloodstein, O. (1995).  A handbook on stuttering (5th edition).  San Diego, CA:
  Singular Publishing Group.  

2. A course pack of research articles has been placed on reserve in the library.  


1. Curlee, R.F., & Perkins, W.H. (1984).  Nature and treatment of stuttering: 
New directions.  San Diego:  College-Hill Press. 

2. Stuttering measurement software for PC-compatibles is available from the 
instructor at the student rate of $25 per copy.


DUE 12th DECEMBER 1995, in class

Write a 2,500-word paper.  Research the topic by reviewing references 
beyond those presented in class.  Recent research on stuttering appears 
predominantly in journal articles.  Journals of interest include Journal of 
Fluency Disorders, Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Journal of 
Speech and Hearing Disorders.  The Milbank Memorial Libraryıs collection 
of texts on stuttering is currently expanding, but limited.  Students are 
strongly advised to become familiar with the Columbia Universityıs on-line 

Cite references within your paper and prepare a list of the references cited 
at the end of your paper following the style outlined in the Publication 
Manual of the American Psychological Association (3rd edition).  This book 
is available at the bookstore.  Examples of this style can be also be found 
in articles published in the Journal of Speech and Hearing Research.  
Papers must be typed using double-spacing.  Please staple pages together.  

  • Outline and critically review a management procedure for the treatment of stuttering. It may be a procedure that is used for children, adults or both. In your answer be sure to defend why you think the treatment is effective. SCHEDULE 12 SEP CLASS 1 no class 19 SEP CLASS 2 DEFINITION of STUTTERING
  • Bloodstein, O (1995) A handbook on stuttering (5th ed). San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing Group. Chapter 1. 26 SEP CLASS 3 MEASUREMENT of STUTTERING
  • Ingham, R.J. (1984). Stuttering and behavior therapy: Current status and experimental foundations. San Diego: College-Hill Press. Chapter 2, pages 15-33. 3 OCT LIBRARY RESEARCH SEMINAR
  • Report to the Information Desk in the Milbank Memorial Library at 3: 00 pm for an orientation on library searches. 10 OCT CLASS 4 PREVALENCE, INCIDENCE & SPONTANEOUS RECOVERY of STUTTERING
  • Bloodstein, O. (1995). A handbook on stuttering (5th ed). San Diego: Singular Publishing Group. Chapter 3.
  • Ingham, R.J. (1983). Spontaneous remissions of stuttering: When will the Emperor realize he has no clothes on? In D. Prins & R.J. Ingham (Eds.), Treatment of stuttering in early childhood: Methods and issues (pp. 113- 140). San Diego: College-Hill Press. 17 OCT CLASS 5 CHARACTERISTICS OF STUTTERING
  • Bloodstein, O (1995) A handbook on stuttering (5th ed). San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing Group. Chapters 4 and 5. 24 OCT CLASS 6 THEORIES OF STUTTERING
  • Bloodstein, O. (1995). A handbook on stuttering (5th ed). San Diego: Singular Publishing Group. Chapter 2
  • Ingham, R.J. (1990). Stuttering. In A.S. Bellack, M. Hersen, & A.E. Kazdin (Eds.), International handbook of behavior modification and therapy (2nd ed.), pp. 599-631. New York: Plenum Press. Pages 603-610. 31 OCT CLASS 7 CONDITIONS THAT MODIFY STUTTERING
  • Bloodstein, O (1995) A handbook on stuttering (5th ed). San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing Group. Chapters 7 & 8. 7 NOV ELECTION DAY NO CLASS 14 NOV MIDTERM 21 NOV CLASS 8 ASSESSMENT OF STUTTERING
  • Costello, J.M., & Ingham, R.J. (1984). Assessment strategies for stuttering. In R.F. Curlee & W.H. Perkins (Eds.), Nature and treatment of stuttering: New directions (pp. 303-333). San Diego: College-Hill Press. 28 NOV CLASS 9 TREATMENTS FOR STUTTERING - Early stuttering
  • Costello, J. C. (1993). Therapy of the stuttering child. In G. Blanken, J. Dittman, H. Grimm, J.C. Marshall, & Wallesch (Eds.), Linguistic disorders and pathologies, pp. 885-893. New York: Walter de Gruyter.
  • Onslow, M. (1993). Behavioral management of stuttering. Sydney, Australia: Livingston Press. Pages 66-84. 5 DEC CLASS 10 TREATMENTS FOR STUTTERING - School children
  • Kully, D. & Boberg, E. (1991). Therapy for school-age children. Seminars in Speech and Language, 12, 291-300.
  • Onslow, M., Andrews, C., & Lincoln, M. (1994). A control/experimental trial of an operant treatment for early stuttering. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 37, 1244-1259. 12 DEC CLASS 11 TREATMENTS FOR STUTTERING - Adults
  • Paper due in class
  • Guyette, T.W., & Baumgartner, J.M. (1988). Stuttering in the adult. In N. Lass, L.V. McReynolds, J.L. Northern, & D.E. Yoder (Eds.), Handbook of speech-language pathology and audiology (pp. 640-654). Toronto: B.C. Decker.
  • Ingham, R.J. (1990). Research on stuttering treatment for adults and adolescents: A perspective on how to overcome a malaise. In J.A. Cooper (Ed.), Research needs in stuttering: Roadblocks and future directions. ASHA Reports, 18, 91-95. 19 DEC CLASS 12 TREATMENTS FOR STUTTERING: Generalization
  • Ingham, J.C. (1993). Generalization in the treatment of stuttering. In L.V. McReynolds & J.E. Spradlin (Eds.), Generalization strategies in the treatment of communication disorders. (pp. 63-81). New York: B.C. Decker.