Instructor: Judith Kuster	Office: AH 103M	 	Phone: 389-5840

Class Meetings: Mondays 10:00-1:00
		Final - June 6, 1996 - 10:15-12:15

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is concerned with the advanced 
study of disorders of fluency.  A seminar, by definition, is "a group of 
students doing research or advanced study."  The burden of the 
course is upon the student to discover new insights, information, 
ideas, procedures, or relationships...that is to LEARN, individually and 
with each other.  The instructor has organized the coursework 
required, the students and instructor will participate in active 
discussion and group learning.


1. to become knowledgeable about people who stutter, about parents of 
	children who are disfluent and children who stutter
2. to be knowledgeable about and comfortable discussing basic information 
	about stuttering - a review of basic information you probably 
	learned as an undergraduate
3. to become familiar with ASHA's preferred practice standards regarding
	Fluency Assessment.
4. to become familiar with a wide variety of therapy techniques that may 
	be used in working with
		- parents of children who are disfluent or who stutter
		- children who are disfluent
		- children who stutter
		- adolescents and adults who stutter
5. to become familiar with current literature and research in stuttering
6. to become familiar with resources about stuttering available on the 
	Internet for both clinicians and clients
7. to help prepare the student to successfully pass the fluency relevant 
	portions of the National Examination in Speech Pathology and 
	Audiology (NESPA-CCC Exam).  This examination is used as the 
	Comprehensive Examination for the Master's degree in 
	Communication Disorders at Mankato State University and must 
	also be passed to earn the Certificate of Clinical Competence issued 
	by ASHA


There are many new and wonderful texts about stuttering published 
in recent years. I consider the following an important part of your 
professional library:

Bloodstein, Oliver, (1995) A Handbook on Stuttering -provides an 
excellent resource for the background information about stuttering, 
as well as helps prepare you for the NESPA exam. This is the 
required text for the seminar.

It is assumed you have kept the text required for your 
undergraduate stuttering course, Peters and Guitar, (1991) 
Stuttering: An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment

Additional recommeded books that provide a wealth of information 
on stuttering, assessment and treatment:

Stuttering Foundation of America series on Stuttering - information 
on how to order will be provided.
Ham, Techniques of Stuttering Therapy
Ham, Therapy of Stuttering - Preschool Through Adolesence


l. Prepare 1 page handouts of 3 assigned basic competencies for class
   distribution. Each handout must have 3 bibliographical resources listed 
   from books/articles 1990-present, one of which may include your text, 
   Bloodstein, O. A Handbook on Stuttering.  Share the handouts and present 
   the information to the class. There will be an exam on this material.
2. Prepare a handout of the assessment information you present, as well as 
   copies of case history forms, protocols, etc. for each class member.
3. Prepare a 2-page outline for class distribution of each of eight therapy 
   programs you have been assigned.  Briefly (in about 8-10 minutes) 
   explain and/or demonstrate five of the therapy program in class.  
4. Lead two Roundtable discussion about articles provided, assigned 
   chapters, or topics assigned.  Participate in all of the Roundtables and 
   read all the assigned materials.  A bibliography of required reading will 
   be provided.
5. As a class, divide the journals (JSHR, LSHSS, JCD and ASHA magazine, 
   AJSLP from May 1995-present) and the Journal of Fluency Disorders, 
   1994-present finding all articles that relate to stuttering.  Read the 
   articles you found, summarizing them on a 5X8 (no other size, 
   please) notecard in a short paragraph of 3-5 sentences. The instructor 
   will organize the articles and provide the class with an annotated 
   bibliography of the most current thoughts and research in the area of 
   stuttering.  Please print or type your notecards very legibly, and 
   give the full bibliographical reference. These annotations will be 
   added to the MSU Stuttering Home Page.
6. Complete a notebook to be submitted at the last regular class meeting. 
   The notebook should be arranged logically with dividers AND a table
   of contents with the articles listed under each tab.  The notebook should
	- outlines/notes of information from Roundtable discussions
	- a completed annotated bibliography of articles related to stuttering
	   This will be collated by the instructor
	- outlines/materials/notes on fluency assessment
	- outlines of therapy approaches, organized in a reasonable manner
	   so that you can USE the information
7. Sign onto the three listservs that are relevant to stuttering.  Each 
   student will be asked to read all the postings for one week during the 
   quarter and summarize the disucssion for that week to the class in about 
   5-10 minutes. Each student is also required to post at least once and to 
   check their email at least twice/week to "lurk" the discussion that is 
   going on. Careful reading of all posts is not required, except for the week 
   you are asked to summarize the discussion. Just read (and respond to if 
   you wish) discussion that you find interesting.
8. Final "exam" which will include sample questions from the NESPA exam
9. Attend all classes and actively participate.

Incompletes will not be given except in cases where a student cannot 
complete the work due to circumstances beyond his/her control.  All 
of the above is subject to reasonable change.