About The Stuttering Home Page

Webweaver and credentials

Judith Maginnis Kuster, CCC/SLP, the webweaver of the Stuttering Homepage is a professor emeritus from Minnesota State University, Mankato, in the Department of Speech, Hearing and Rehabilitation Services. She holds an MS in speech-language pathology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and an MS in counseling from Minnesota State University, Mankato. She has taught courses in stuttering, counseling and communication disorders, researching on the internet, speech sound disorders, organization and management, introduction to communication disorders, orientation to clinical practicum, and phonetics. She is an ASHA fellow. Her work on the Internet has been recognized with the following awards: Minnesota Clinical Service Award (1995), American Speech-Language and Hearing Foundation's DiCarlo Award (1996), International Fluency Association's Distinguished Contributor Award (2003), International Stuttering Association's Distinguished Service Award (2007), American Speech-Language and Hearing Association's Outstanding Contribution Award (2008), Elizabeth and Wynn Kearney International Center Global Citizen Award, MSU, Mankato (2008), and National Stuttering Association's Hall of Fame Award (2009). She has been awarded two Fulbright Specialist Awards to Bulgaria (2007) and China (2010). She has numerous presentations and writes extensively on internet resources. She also has hosted the International Stuttering Awareness Day online conferences from 1998-2012 and the first International Cluttering Conference in 2010.

Advisory Board: Shelley B. Brundage Ph.D. CCC/SLP; Kristin A. Chmela, M.A. CCC/SLP; Dennis Drayna, Ph.D; Barry Guitar, Ph.D., CCC/SLP; E. Charles Healey, Ph.D; Nathan E. Lavid, M.D.; Kenneth Logan, Ph.D., CCC/SLP; Walter Manning, Ph.D. CCC/SLP; Larry Molt, Ph.D. CCC/SLP CCC/AUD; Nan Bernstein Ratner, Ed.D., CCC/SLP; Ken St. Louis, Ph.D., CCC/SLP; David A. Shapiro, Ph.D., CCC/SLP; and J. Scott Yaruss, PhD, CCC/SLP

Development of the page was done in consultation with John C. Harrison, a member of the National Stuttering Association.

I am grateful to Chris Upton at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada, who was instrumental in the initial development of this web page and to all of the individuals and organizations who have contributed materials and continue to help this site grow. My thanks also goes to Mark Thomas for his technical assistance and support in developing an online presence, to Jeff Henline for his technical assistance and support, and to Jeff Hundstad for his mentorship and providing statistics for the homepage and continuing support. Finally, I am greatly indebted to Minnesota State University, Mankato, for their continuing support in hosting this site.

Purpose of the site

The Stuttering Homepage is dedicated to providing information about stuttering for both consumers and professionals who work with people who stutter.


The information provided on The Stuttering Homepage is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a person who stutters or other site visitors and the professional and support community that serve people who stutter and their families.

Materials on this site are provided with consent of the authors (or their dependents or family members) which include professionals as well as consumers (people who stutter and their family members). No specific permission is requested to link to materials that are freely-available on the Internet. For materials that are copyrighted, consent to repost is requested. Contributors to the archive will be acknowledged and are solely responsible for the information they provide. We cannot be responsible for nor can we attest to the accuracy or efficacy of the information others provide. Where requested or appropriate, information is provided with proper attribution or is provided confidentially. This site undertakes to honor or exceed the legal requirements of medical/health information privacy that applies in the United States and in Minnesota where the site is currently housed. Individual email addresses are included with information they have provided only with their express permission or at their request.

IMPORTANT WARNING: The ORIGINAL Stuttering Home Page which began as a "gopher site" in 1994 is actually located at Minnesota State University, Mankato, at https://www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/stutter.html which is pointed to by http://www.stutteringhomepage.com. The ".com" is a "domain name." I also own the .net .org and .info "domain names." Any other domain name after http://www.stutteringhomepage is NOT the original Stuttering Home Page and may contain bad information.

The Stuttering Home Page does not use "cookies."

The site does not have commercial or grant funding nor does it host any advertising. The only financial support has been a donation from one generous individual who provided some fees for registering the domain name www.stutteringhomepage.com and a digital camera for helping to build and enhance the site. Web space is provided by Minnesota State University, Mankato. The only income generated in the past came from the "Bookstore" in coordination with Amazon.com and amounted to less than $100 annually. Amazon has since declined to allow such hosting for Minnesota. The money earned in the past was used to purchase materials from The Stuttering Foundation. These materials were sent to individuals overseas that do not have access to speech therapy services for stuttering.

The annual online conferences developed by Judith Kuster and linked to the Stuttering Homepage (from 1998-2012) were offered for university credit or continuing education units. One of these conferences (2001) was supported by a small faculty grant from the MnSCU Center for Teaching and Learning.


Links to the SHP, or to sections of the SHP are welcome, but should cite where the links are coming from.

Material and information on the SHP is designed for professionals, teachers, university students, parents, adults and children who stutter, as well as the general public to learn about, and to teach others about stuttering. Unless there is a copyright notice from another source that states that the SHP has received special permission from the copyright holder, individuals are free to use and quote from the materials on the SHP. It is assumed that people will give credit to where the material comes from by citing the original author and the Stuttering Home Page. Linking to the SHP or to materials contained on the SHP is encouraged. Taking materials from the SHP and placing them on another site without consent is considered plagiarism. If individuals wish to use parts of the Stuttering Home Page for materials that will be used for commercial purposes (books, CDs, etc.), please contact Judy Kuster for permission.

The postal address associated with The Stuttering Home Page is:
Judith Kuster
1018 S. Payne St.
New Ulm, MN 56073

added May 9, 2003
updated December 28,2017