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The Stuttering Home Page, Minnesota State University, Mankato

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The Stuttering Homepage

Awards and Recognition for this site

The fifth International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference is open and freely available from October 1-22, 2002. It also available for 1.5 CEU's (15 hours) or 1 semester credit. To learn how to register for the ISAD online conference for MSU, Mankato CEU's or college credit Open this link

Other ISAD2002 information and events are
available here.

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Information about Stuttering Stuttering Chatroom PWS speak for themselves International Stuttering Awareness Day online conferences - 1998-2001
Stuttering around the world Discussion forums and E-Publications Creative Expression Conference Information
Cluttering and other related fluency disorders Public Relations - Spreading the Word People who don't stutter share information Some information about communication
Therapy for Stuttering Stuttering in the popular media On the Lighter Side Famous PWS
Support Organizations for PWS The Bookstore Personal Paths Toward Recovery & Case Studies Research on Stuttering
Other homepages about stuttering Stuttering Course Syllabi and Course Materials The Pioneers Special Interest Division 4 website
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About this WWW site.

Stuttering Home Page Index/Outline

This WWW site is dedicated to providing information about stuttering.

It is the project of Judith Kuster an associate professor at Minnesota State University, Mankato in consultation with John C. Harrison, of the National Stuttering Association.

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We are grateful to Chris Upton at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada, who was instrumental in the initial development of this web page and to all of the individuals and organizations who have contributed materials and continue to help this site grow. Our thanks also goes to Mark Thomas at Minnesota State University, Mankato, for his continuing technical assistance and support, to Faisal Sulaiman for helping set up the chat room, and to Jeff Hundstad for providing statistics and a search engine for the homepage. Complete statistics by month are also available for those interested. Contributors to the archive will be acknowledged and are solely responsible for the information they provide. We cannot be responsible for nor can we attest to the accuracy or efficacy of the information others provide.

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Current web weaver: Judy Kuster

This page can now be accessed using any of the following URLs:

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Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Judith Kuster

Awards and Recognition for this site