Things Remembered

about Bryng Bryngelson

People who knew Bryng Bryngelson, have special fond memories of him. Below is a place to share those special memories. If you have one you would like to add, please email Judy Kuster

  • From Charles Van Riper (in ASHA magazine, February 1980). "The death of Bryng Bryngelson leaves a deep gap in the lives of thousands of his students and clients. May I speak for them as well as for myself? One of the first pioneers in our profession, Bryng had great impact. A marvelous clinician, an inspiring teacher, a ribald mystic, he enjoyed life hugely and helped all he met to do so too. Bryng knew well, what some of us seem to have forgotten, that the clinician's gay spirit and deep concern for the client constitute the essence of competence. He lives onward in all who knew him and in those whom we, in turn, have served. Ave et Vale!"

  • From Lorie Bryngelson (personal email) - I was at a memorial service and met a woman named Duffy. Her mother was Bryng's secretary. She told me that her mother was moping around the office so Bryng suggested she take a break, go to the islands and look for a husband. She went and she did!

    From Fred Murray (personal email) - Bryng Bryngelson impressed upon me the idea that I should pursue acquiring what he appropriately termed the "label" of Ph.D. stressing the idea of its importance in any future pursuits in my chosen field. His constant urging paid off handsomely!

    added April 18, 1999
    last updated August 21 2014