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Minnesota State University, Mankato
Minnesota State University, Mankato

Latest information about COVID-19 and the campus community


Site Settings

Page address:

This information includes contact information and site settings for the entire site that will be applied to every page that is created.

Status Messages

After clicking the "update" button to apply changes to the following sections: Site Settings, New Page Creation, and Site Menu Editor, the screen will refresh and you will see one of the following messages: Success message, Info message, or Error message followed by an explanation of what SiteEdit succeeded at, has information about, or what it had an error with. For example: Success message If no message appears please try making the changes again, but if the situation persists where there is no message appearing then please contact Web Development.

Entering the Site Owner Description

  1. Type a description for the owner of the site in the site owner Input box.
    Site Owner box
    Site Owner box
  2. Click Update Site button.

Entering the Owner Email/URL Information

  1. Type an email address, a rooted URL, or a full URL in the owner email/url Input box that will be linked for contacting the site owner.
    email address example
    url example
    url example
  2. Click Update Site button.

Entering the Bread Crumb Prefix

  1. Type a description for the bread crumb in the bread crumb prefix Input box.
  2. Insert a [ directly after the description without using a space.
  3. Type the web address you would like the bread crumb to link to.
  4. Insert a ] directly after the web address without using a space.
  5. Insert a ^ directly after the ] without using a space.
    Bread crumb example
  6. Repeat steps 1 through 6 as needed to produce the desired bread crumb prefix before moving on.
    Note: The standard bread crumb would be listing the college first, followed by the department. Otherwise the office first, followed by the subdivision.
  7. Click Update Site button.

Entering Website Meta Information

  • Keywords: Comma separated words pertinent to site
    keywords example
  • Description: Very short sentence describing site
    description example
  • Author Email: Email address of the author
    author example

Entering the Window Title Suffix

  1. Insert a - in the window title suffix Input box.
  2. Type a description for the window title suffix with a space between the description and the dash.
    window title example
    Note: If repeating the instructions to gain a larger window title suffix, make sure there is a space on both sides of all dashes.
  3. Repeat steps 1 through 3 as needed to produce the desired windows title suffix before moving on.
    Note: The standard window title would be a full descriptive title of the site.
  4. Click Update Site button.