Crystal Watts, Assistant Director for Community Engagement

Address: CSU 173
Phone: 507-389-6076

Hometown: "I grew up on military bases all over the country."

Undergraduate Education: BA Psychology & Religious Studies(minor) from Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU), Marshall, Minn.

Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Counseling and Student Personnel: College Student Affairs

Graduate Assistant Position Responsibilities: Providing leadership and support for the Community Engagement Office, Mavs In Action as well as initiatives like Campus Kitchen and Alternative Spring Break. This also includes developing current and future campus and community partnerships, volunteer leadership recruitment and program event analysis.

Past Experiences: Two years of CNCS AmeriCorps College Health Corps VISTA service addressing college student basic needs and insecurities that involved research, event coordination and grant proposals. Also, implementation of a permanent and fully-supported student food and resource pantry on the campus of SMSU. Cancer fundraising event coordination with the SMSU Veterans club and the community of Marshall; SMSU college forensics team coaching and speech tournament event judging.


"The most rewarding aspect of my work with students is…" gaining fresh perspectives on the joys and challenges of students in a college setting. They are passionate not only about their education but also about affecting positive change on their campus and in their communities. Getting to know them, learning alongside them, and working with them expands my own education beyond the classroom walls. Everyone benefits when we seek to learn together."

"In my free time, I enjoy… Sleep! I also have a ginger cat named Gordy who keeps me company. I love movies and music. I also like to go hiking local parks."


  1. Three words that best describe you? "Quirky, Curious and Empathic"
  2. Three things that can always be found in your refrigerator? "Coffee creamer, sparkling water cans and the ghosts of expired condiments"
  3. Name three people, living or dead, you would like to invite for dinner? "Robin Williams, Elton John, Jake from State Farm"
  4. What is something people would be surprised to know about you? "I am a left-handed person trying to make way through a right-handed world."
  5. What superpower would you like to have? Why? "Instant healing…because nobody has time to deal with the insurance claims department."


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