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Minnesota State University, Mankato
Minnesota State University, Mankato

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Role of External Consultant/Reviewer

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Program Review: Role of the External Reviewer

Consultants for program review serve as objective, discipline-based experts who provide an external perspective on the department’s demonstrated effectiveness.

I.  Before the Site Visit

  • Read critically the self-study document submitted and, in consultation with co-reviewer, prepare interview questions based on the self-study and any areas of focus provided by the department.
  • Request additional information as needed.
  • Provide suggestions regarding individuals or groups to be interviewed during the site visit.
  • Provide feedback to the department regarding the planned itinerary for the site visit.

II.  During the Site Visit

  • Gather additional evaluative information from individuals and groups interviewed.
  • Request additional information as needed.
  • Provide initial feedback to the department and Dean during an exit interview.

III.  After the Site Visit

  • Within one month of the site visit external reviewers will provide to the Dean a written report assessing program strengths, limitations and potential for making improvements.
  • If areas of focus were identified for the review, these should also be explicitly addressed in the written report.

IV.  Reimbursement

  • For externally accredited programs the reviewers’ fee is usually established by the accrediting agency and honored by Minnesota State Mankato.
  • For programs without external accreditations, reviewers will be reimbursed for all expenses (travel, lodging, meals) in accordance with University travel guidelines.
  • Academic Affairs will provide a total honoraria of $1000.00 to support two reviewers. These honoraria include both the site visit and the reviewers’ report, which is due no later than one month after the conclusion of the site visit.
  • A contract will be generated and should be signed prior to the site visit, including reviewer’s name, address, SSN, dates of service, and amount to be paid.
  • The reviewer is responsible for making and paying for his/her own airline and hotel reservations. They should also pay for any meals not covered by the University as part of the review process. Upon submission of a non-state employee expense report and receipts for these expenses, Minnesota State Mankato will generate a reimbursement to the reviewer.