Official Colors

Color Palette

The Minnesota State Mankato color palette unifies our communications and is a powerful tool for building brand recognition. Purple and gold are our heritage colors and should be prominent in all communication pieces. When the piece allows only one color (or two, together with black), choose purple. Our official purple and gold may also be used as screens in one- or two-color pieces. To ensure consistent colors when using process colors for full-color printing, use the CMYK equivalents listed in this document for color definitions.

University’s standard purple color Purple
Pantone 269
C: 78, M: 100, Y: 0, K: 33
RGB: 63, 0, 88
Hex: #480059
University’s standard gold color Gold
Pantone 109
C: 0, M: 10, Y: 100, K: 0
RGB: 241, 228, 5
Hex: #F7E400

Secondary Color Palette

The additional colors, neutrals and metallics in our palette were chosen to compliment our heritage colors and for the strength and tradition they convey in combination with purple and gold. When used primarily in the order they appear (red as the first choice secondary color, etc.), the combinations are unique among institutions in the Minnesota State System. Many System institutions use blue and green as primary or dominant-secondary colors; our emphasis on purple and gold, with minimal use of blue and green as secondary colors, helps differentiate us.

University’s secondary standard red color

Pantone® 1805
C: 0, M: 91, Y: 100, K: 23
RGB: 161, 45, 22
Hex: #BB270E

University’s secondary standard orange color

Pantone® 167
C: 0, M: 60, Y: 100, K: 17
RGB: 186, 122, 23
Hex: #CF7A00

University’s secondary standard gold color

Pantone® 4405
C: 0, M: 15, Y: 78, K: 36
RGB: 175, 160, 68
Hex: #B6A238

University’s secondary standard green color

Pantone® 378
C: 34, M: 0, Y: 100, K: 60
RGB: 93, 109, 12
Hex: #566D00

University’s secondary standard green 2 color

Green (2)
Pantone® 357
C: 80, M: 0, Y: 100, K: 56
RGB: 45, 93, 29
Hex: #005D0D

University’s secondary standard light blue color

Light Blue
Pantone® 5415
C: 42, M: 8, Y: 0, K: 40
RGB: 122, 140, 161
Hex: #738DA4

University’s secondary standard dark blue color

Dark Blue
Pantone® 648
C: 100, M: 62, Y: 0, K: 52
RGB: 27, 50, 94
Hex: #012E5E

University’s secondary standard violet color

Pantone® 528
C: 41, M: 55, Y: 0, K: 0
RGB: 161, 130, 178
Hex: #AC83B5

University’s secondary standard warm gray 1 color

Neutral 1
Pantone® Warm Gray 1
C: 0, M: 2, Y: 3, K: 6
RGB: 243, 240, 237
Hex: #F4F0ED

University’s secondary standard warm gray 3 color

Neutral 2
Pantone® Warm Gray 3
C: 0, M: 4, Y: 8, K: 17
RGB: 221, 216, 207
Hex: #DFD9CF

University’s secondary standard warm gray 5 color

Neutral 3
Pantone® Warm Gray 5
C: 0, M: 5, Y: 10, K: 29
RGB: 196, 190, 181
Hex: #C7BFB6

University’s secondary standard warm gray 11 color

Neutral 4
Pantone® Warm Gray 11
C: 0, M: 17, Y: 34, K: 62
RGB: 120, 109, 87
Hex: #7C6D56

University’s secondary standard metallic purple color

Metallic Purple
Pantone® Metallic Coated 8802
RGB: 77, 52, 98
Hex: #4D3462

University’s secondary standard metallic gold color

Metallic Gold
Pantone® Metallic Coated 871
RGB: 172, 156, 101
Hex: #AC9C65