Stuggling And Juttering


From: Nancy Ritland
Date: 10/14/00
Time: 8:04:26 PM
Remote Name:


I grew up with four significantly older brothers who could all juggle and ride unicycles, for as long as I can remember.I always wanted to do both, but mastered niether. I remember beginning to really try to learn juggling around fifth grade, and made periodic attempts through college. Obviously, my attempts were never very systematic. I think juggling definately holds wide appeal for kids this age. As you mentioned, the practice required to learn juggling will remind them often of stuttering therapy, and make positive associations with therapy and success. I think these kids will suddenly feel therapy is worth their time. I am just a student, but have been intimidated about how to get junior high kids to show up for therapy. This is a great idea. Thanks.

Last changed: September 12, 2005