Feedback on ISAD Conference

From: LH
Date: 10/9/98
Time: 7:58:55 PM
Remote Name:
Hi, Judy. I want to publicly thank you for the opportunity to 
participate in this conference. I am impressed as I can be with
the general quality, and with the quality of the queries I have 
received. This is a groundbreaking effort, which I hope will
become a model for people in many fields in the future. Good work, 
my friend! 
Lou H.

Every year better
From: GertÊ Reunes
Date: 10/11/98
Time: 10:36:43 AM
Remote Name:
Hello, I think that internet conferences in the future will be more 
and more interesting. Perhaps the date 22nd october 98
was to soon for preparing a lot of publicity for this congress... But 
1600 hits on the 11 october is already a great succes !!! 

Wonderful Format and Subject Matter
From: AK
Date: 10/17/98
Time: 11:00:26 AM
Remote Name:
My complements to the fabricators of this succinct and elucidatory 
web site. Well done! Andrew Kuster

Great Conference
From: Molly Tami
Date: 10/19/98
Time: 1:43:39 PM
Remote Name:
This online conference has been great! The articles were super and 
I've learned alot! To honor ISAD, I will be doing a presentation at my 
son's school, explaining why people stutter to 2-5 grade students. I 
am happy to be linked into all this great info! Thank you all for your 

Excellent conference
From: Jaan Pill
Date: 10/21/98
Time: 9:22:41 PM
Remote Name:
It's been an excellent conference. It has added to the development of 
the international self-help network. It's been a good idea for Judith 
to share information about how much time she has devoted to this. 
Such information needs to be shared, in my experience. People need 
to have some perspective on the kind of volunteer hours that are 
required for a production of this type. With reference to continuous 
improvement, I think that further work toward succinctness is 
probably a key element forfurther refinement in the whole process. 
It's the short message that gets read. Congratulations on a successful 
first-ever event. Jaan

ISAD Conference
From: Lynne Shields
Date: 10/22/98
Time: 10:45:53 AM
Remote Name:
Thanks to Judy, Michael, and the contributors to this conference. It is 
well organized and presented. I have learned much from reading the 
articles as I've had time. I am grateful that they will be available on 
the Stuttering Homepage, as I haven't had the time to read more 
than a handful over the course of the conference. Lynne Shields

BRAVO -- ISAD Organizers and Participants
From: Steve Hood
Date: 10/22/98
Time: 12:28:23 PM
Remote Name:
Just a quick note to express my appreciation to Judy Kuster and 
Michael Sugarman for their hard work and dilligence in organizing 
the ISAD Web Site, and to thank those who participated in his 
historic event. Those of us who were given the opportunity to read 
and respond to the various papers owe you a standing ovation. 
THANKS, Steve Hood 

Thank you Judy!
From: Speak Easy Inc.
Date: 10/22/98
Time: 8:29:16 PM
Remote Name:
You've done an EXTREMELY fanastic and wonderful job of organizaing 
and maintaining the ISAD Online Conference. Your tireless hours, 
expert advice, and boundless good cheer have made this event the 
success that it has proven to be. For myself, for Speak Easy Inc. of 
Canada, and for all participants and visitors, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! 

From: Bob Quesal
Date: 10/22/98
Time: 8:32:32 PM
Remote Name:
Judy and Michael: 
Thanks so much for this conference, and for allowing me to be part of 
it. I've learned so much from the papers posted, and have enjoyed 
(most of) the comments from the readers. This was a wonderful idea, 
and you carried it out very well. I certainly appreciate all your hard 
work. Bob Quesal 

From: Les Anderson
Date: 10/22/98
Time: 8:34:39 PM
Remote Name:
Thank you Judy and Michael. You both have done wonderful job. You 
have allowed the experts, the laymen, the fluent and
the none fluent to reach out and touch one another in a way that has 
probably never been done before. Go home, have a
coffee break and then ready for a 1999 ISAD! **G**

Best learning experience
From: Gunars K. Neiders
Date: 10/23/98
Time: 10:37:58 AM
Remote Name:
Thank you Judy for providing this opportunity to read up to date 
material on the subject of stuttering. The presenters were 
outstanding and the format of being able to ask questions and get 
answers made it the best learning experience on stuttering I have 
had. I hope this will turn out to be an annual event. Gunars 

From: Lance Ned
Date: 10/21/99
Time: 6:13:12 PM
Remote Name:
I think the topic of stuttering and parkinson's disease was one of the 
more interesting topics presented. I found this topic interesting 
because I work with an individual with PD and I did'nt know PD 
could cause stuttering. The indivdual I'm working with does not 
show any signs of the dyfluncey, but after browsing through the 
conference I learned that it's something that can come about later in 
life, even as a adult.