Title:    "What Everyone Should Know About Stuttering"

Author Sally Bowman

Cost: $1.75 plus $.60 for shipping and handling

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8111 Rumford Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46219

'What Everyone Should Know About Stuttering," is a 19-page handbook
designed to provide the lay public with information about stuttering. The
author addresses a variety of topics such as the definition of stuttering,
myths regarding stereotypes of stutterers, the history of stuttering,
treatment programs, attitudes toward stuttering, characteristics of
stuttering, stutterers' reactions to moments of stuttering, situational
fears, anticipatory reactions, avoidance techniques, individual differences
among stutterers, and incidence.

The handbook Includes Illustrative drawings to enhance the text. It was
designed to "help reinforce and validate information that speech clinicians
dispense to patients and their families, and to be used by the latter as a
handy reference while that patient undergoes treatment procedures."

Handbook, Reviewed: ASHA (1985): 27(1)