Stuttering and Other Speech Disorders

The program focuses on stuttering and other problems resulting from trauma, and on therapies used to treat them. Profiling a 41-year-old man who stutters, the program shows the value of self-help. Emphasis is on the importance of early recognition of this often misunderstood speech disorders. (19 minutes, color) #AHY1468 - Purchase: $89.95


This program looks at the impact of stuttering on children, teenagers, and adults, and shows therapies designed to help them. The emphasis is on learning to live with a long-term problem that does not have to stand in the way of social enjoyment and career success. The program shows a support group for people who stutter, demonstrates new methods of including family members in therapy, and looks at experiments at NIH where the search is on to find the physiological cause(s) of stuttering. (28 minutes, color) #AHY4227 - Purchase: $149 - Rental: $75

Available from
Films for the Humanities and Sciences
PO Box 2053
Princeton, NJ 09543-2053