Helpful Hints from the



By Bonnie Arendt and Kristine Pintor

6 Steps to Help Children Speak More Fluently


  1. Decrease your own rate of speaking. 
  2. Insert frequent pauses in your speech.
  3. Allow the child to initiate a great deal of the conversation.
  4. Decrease the number of questions and directives in your speech.
  5. Eliminate any interruptions.  Allow the child to finish statements.
  6. Show your acceptance of the child no matter what through praise, love, giving smiles and hugs, and taking the time to listen and give them your undivided attention.


Guidelines for Reducing Environmental Stress


·      Allow no one in the family to interrupt anyone else.

·      Praise your child consistently for everything done well and for ever attempt, even if it’s not “perfect” to build self-confidence.

·      Avoid using the word “no.”

·      Make sure the child  has adequate amounts of physical activity and rest.

·      Empathize.  If the child talks about feelings about speech, show that you value them.

·      Try to eliminate experiences that are too frustrating for the child, such as trying to keep up with an older sibling.

·      Make eating and bed times pleasant and not too hectic.

·      Make speaking experiences happy.

·      Avoid speaking or finishing sentences for the child.

·      Build up fluency patterns through unison talking by saying nursery rhymes together.

·      Avoid saying “hurry up” or similar phrases that make the child feel an urgency for doing something under time constraints.


Talking With Children