Lessons I learned while rock climbing

by Brad, 8th grade

In indoor rock climbing, there are two people; one who is climbing while the other is holding the rope that is connected to the ceiling. So if you fall, that person will catch you. The lessons I learned about rock climbing were many, but they also taught me about speech.

  • You have to learn and then practice
  • You have to take on more responsibility
  • You have to trust the other person
  • Effective Communication is essential
  • You have to conquer your fear
  • It's OK to make mistakes
  • It's OK to get frustrated; eventually you will get it
  • It's OK if you fall. You catch yourself and start from there.
  • If you fall all the way down, start over again
  • Remain calm
  • When you're facing the edge, have faith in your support
  • You just have to find the right rocks
    added with permission
    April 9, 1999