Other related fluency disorders


An extensive web page about cluttering and cluttering resources was added to the Stuttering Home Page on January 5, 2011 at http://www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/cluttering.html

Neurogenic Stuttering and Associated with Neurogenic Disorders, including Late and Adult Onset Stuttering

Psychogenic Stuttering

Stuttering and Co-Existing Learning, Behavioral or Cognitive Challenges

Drugs and Stuttering

Reports of "Unusual Stuttering"

Spasmodic Dysphonia

(a voice disorder in which momentary interruption of phonation results from sudden overadduction of the vocal folds. It is sometimes referred to as "laryngeal stuttering.")

Return to Index updated January 25, 2020
Last modified April 30, 2020
web weaver Judy Kuster