On Graduation Day


All commencement participants must have appropriate caps and gowns in the processional and ceremony on commencement day. Graduates must bring their cap, gown and tassel (and other regalia) to the ceremony. Regalia signifying academic or honorary achievement are the only permissible addition to the cap and gown. We ask that students dress appropriately for this important day. Valuables should be left with family or friends.

Arrival and Line-up

Graduates should arrive at Myers Field House approximately one hour prior to their ceremony to allow adequate time for check-in. Prior to entering the line-up area in the Myers Field House, graduates should make arrangements with guests to meet at a specific location after the ceremony. Graduates should go to their college check-in table to receive their name card. This card will be used to announce graduate's name as they cross the stage. If your name is difficult to pronounce, please print it phonetically on the card. Graduate students will line-up according to their area of study. 


Commencement Marshals wearing gold robes will guide graduates to their seats. Please follow their directions to keep things orderly and efficient.

Crossing the Stage

Commencement Marshals will lead all graduates to the stage, one college at a time. Before you take the stairs to cross the stage, you will pause for a professional photo. You must have your name card ready to hand to the announcer as you reach the stage. The announcer will read your name. Graduate students will be hooded by their College's Faculty Honor Marshal and Advisor. You will then cross the stage, receive your diploma cover from your College Dean, and a handshake from President Edward Inch. Commencement Marshals will then guide graduates back to their seats. You are to remain for the entire ceremony out of respect for your fellow classmates.


Platform guests will depart first, followed by faculty, and then graduates. Please follow the direction from the Commencement Marshals. 

Appropriate Commencement Behavior

During the National Anthem, mortarboards and hats should be removed while the National Anthem is sung and can be replaced after the Honor Guard has placed the flags on stage.

Consumption of alcoholic beverages on University property is prohibited. Unruly behavior and excessive celebrations inconsistent with the spirit of the event are also prohibited. Security personnel will be instructed to ask those involved to desist and then instruct them to leave the ceremonies should such behavior continue.