Instructor FAQ about D2L Brightspace

Chalk board with a question mark drawn with chalk

D2L Brightspace Questions?

Browse the list of instructors' most frequently asked questions about D2L Brightspace.

When you access the D2L Brightspace homepage or a course, the page will automatically scroll down or jump down to the Request Help widget to prompt log in to the widget app.

Logging in to the Request Help widget app will prevent this from occurring. Learn how to log in to the widget with this support article:

Page automatically scrolls down in D2L Brightspace


All courses are automatically added to D2L Brightspace as individual courses. You can choose to merge courses together if you wish.

Need your courses grouped/merged? Follow these instructions to request your grouped/merged D2L Brightspace courses. Note: Please group or merge courses before content or student submissions are added to a course.

Learn about two recommended options for sharing D2L Brightspace course materials with Teacher's Assistants, Co-Teachers, Adjuncts, Programs, and more.

Learn how to configure Grades and import final grades from D2L Brightspace to eServices for official grade posting in this article.

This tutorial video also walks through these steps:

You can request a course to practice or test actions in D2L Brightspace by submitting a request for a "practice course" in either of two ways:

Don't have a Star ID yet? Reach out to Human Resources about the status of your hiring paperwork! In the mean time, please reach out (via ticket or drop-in) we may be able to create a temporary guest account for you.

Students can get help in many ways with D2L Brightspace:

If you need to learn how to use D2L Brightspace...

If you cannot log in or your course doesn't appear when you log in...

If D2L Brightspace does not work properly...

If you have technical problems with your Internet connection or device...

Contact the IT Solutions Center.

There are many resources available to help with how-to and course design with D2L Brightspace.



Getting Started Teaching with D2L Brightspace:

The most common issue with file upload errors is the file name or extension.

Assure your file name avoids special characters.

Assure your file extension is displayed, for example:

  • filename.pdf
  • filename.docx

Special characters to avoid in file titles:

  • Slashes ("/")
  • Ampersands ("&")
  • Colons (":")
  • Question marks ("?")
  • Quotation marks ("''")
  • Pound signs or hashtags ("#")
  • Asterisks ("*")

There are certain times of year when the Classlist in a mapped D2L Brightspace course will not match official registration records.

If the current date is more than 55 days prior to the course start date, courses may not have enrolled teachers or students. Classlists will begin to auto-enroll in Brightspace courses at 55 days prior to the start date of the course.

Did a student disappear from your Classlist or Grades? Learn more about this known issue and how to resolve it.