Corporate Quality Award Application & Evaluation Form:

Organization Information

Organization Name:
Applicant's Contact Person:

Organization Profile

Number of Locations:
Number of Employees:
Product Descriptions:
Services Description:

Evaluation Rating Key:

3 - Describes or applies to ALL activities THROUGHOUT the organization

2 - Describes or applies to MOST activities in MOST departments

1 - Describes or applies to SOME activities in SOME departments

0 - Does not apply


1. Senior management is personally and visibly involved in quality related activities, such as planning, assessment and review of quality plans and progress, quality teams, giving and receiving quality training, and recognition of employees
2. There is a quality vision, quality policy, guidelines, and other documented statements of quality values. These have been communicated throughout the organization and accepted by all employees.
3. Senior management is involved in and encourages employees to be involved in community activities that help improve the quality of life within the community.

Strategic Planning

4. We have clearly defined customer satisfaction and performance improvement objectives. Roles, responsibilities, and involvement of all levels of management in quality improvement are understood and accepted. We allocate adequate resources to quality improvement and awareness.
5. We have specific quality goals and objectives in our business plans and strategic plans. These include the integration of continuous improvement activities of all work units into plans, and employees' involvement in planning. Improvement activities help us to achieve our strategic goals and objectives.

Information & Analysis

6. We have quality information systems that we routinely use in managing, evaluating, and planning for quality. These systems include date on customers, suppliers, internal operations, quality measurements of the services we provide, and competitive comparisons.
7. We routinely analyze this date to identify opportunities or problems, to determine the root causes of problems, to design countermeasures or remedies to address root causes, and to ascertain whether our countermeasures or remedies have produced the expected results.

Human Resources Management

8. All employees have the opportunity to participate in quality improvement. They have wide authority to act individually. They have the right and obligation to act in any case of potential quality of deficiencies or compromises.
9. Employees participate within functional units, in cross-functional teams, and with suppliers and other external groups as appropriate to assure quality.
10. Quality training and education are widespread. All new employees receive quality orientation. Training in statistical and other quantitative methods is available to appropriate categories of employees. The effectiveness of quality education is routinely evaluated and the training is continuously improved.
11. We have a clear and working process for identifying the needs and expectations of employees. We routinely measure how well we meet these needs.


12. There is a working process for determining and converting customer needs and expectations to product, process, and service specifications. We have a detailed central plan that includes how we select key process characteristics to be controlled and describes how they are to be controlled.
13. We routinely verify that our quality requirements are being met be suppliers and all external providers of goods and services.

Quality Results

14. We have clear measures of product and service quality based on customer needs and expectations. We have documented evidence of continuous improvement in all key areas.
15. We routinely make comparisons of product and service quality levels through independent reports, analyses, and our own evaluations. We are among the best in our key service areas based on our comparisons with national industry leaders.

Customer Satisfaction

16. We have a clear and working process for identifying the needs and expectations of customer groups and potential customers. We routinely measure how well we are meeting these needs.
17. We make it easy for customers to share concerns. We actively solicit complaints and customer feedback. Complaints made to different parts of the organization are centrally reviewed and analyzed. We analyze the complaints to determine root causes and use our analyses to drive prevention efforts and continuous improvement.
18. We frequently measure the key areas of customer satisfaction. Our trends in customer satisfaction indicators provide evidence of continuous improvement and our position among the leaders in our industry nationwide.

© Mankato Area Council for Quality
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