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Minnesota State University, Mankato
Minnesota State University, Mankato

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Mavs in Pros

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MSU players who have signed contract with Professional Baseball Organizations


Players (Free Agents/ Draft Year, Round #)

Astros Aaron Heitzman (2002, 19th Round)
Athletics Wes Weber (1986, 15th Round)
Todd Revening (1990, 37th Round)
Braves Nick Fellman (2007 12th Round)
Jeff Matthews (1977, 10th Round)
Cubs Bob Will (1954, Free Agent)
Jeff Sjoberg (1984, 29th Round)
Diamond Backs Jon Bjelland (2007, Free Agent)
Dodgers Keith Meyers (2001, Free Agent)
Expos Mike Carroll (1980, Free Agent)
Joel Lepel (1981, Free Agent)
Gene Glynn (1979, Free Agent)
Mike Fier (1989, 10th Round)
Ryan Van Guilder (1997, 10th Round)
Giants Matt McMurtry (2006, 31st Round)
Indians Kevin Dixon (2005, 5th Round)
Mets Fritz Polka (1986, 2nd Round)
Orioles Larry Woodall (1980, Free Agent)
Jason Cierlik (2002, 23rd Round)
Phillies Kory Kosek (1995, 32nd Round)
Adam Steen (2002, 29th Round)
Chris Rupert (2002, Free Agent)
Rangers Gary Mielke (1985, 26th Round)
Reds Chuck Engle (Free Agent)
Larry Jensen (1977, 23rd Round)
Mike Landkammer (1999, 27th Round)
Red Sox Ty Herman (1980, 15th Round)
Joe Marchese (1986, 13th Round)
Rockies Andy Kreidermacher (2005, 20th Round)
Royals Dane Secott (2007, 27th Round)
Tigers Dave Lottsfeldt (1980 , Free Agent)
Twins Jay Bohmbach (Free Agent)
Bob Bresnahan (1980, Free Agent)
Mike Hartman (Free Agent)
Randy Heidman (1973, Free Agent)
Steve Johnson (Free Agent)
Sam Terrell 1973, (Free Agent)
Jeff Schugel (1983, 18th Round)
Gary Menssen (1983, Free Agent)
Monte Dufault (1991, Free Agent)
Mark Dolenc (2006, 15th Round)
Jerry Terrell (1973, Free Agent)
Yankees Darnell Nelson (1983, Free Agent)