Student Conduct Parent Education

The purpose of the Student Conduct process is to promote and enforce the responsibilities that students agree to when they enroll at Minnesota State University, Mankato that help students maintain a sense of integrity while keeping the campus environment safe and supportive for every student. 

How Parents Can Help

  • Talk with and educate your student about underage drinking, alcohol poisoning, hazing, healthy relationships, personal and group safety, self-care, coping mechanisms, etc. to ensure open means of communication.
  • Keep in touch. The college experience is a time of tremendous change and adjustment. Expect highs and lows, especially during the first six weeks. Provide support to your student during their journey in higher education by staying connected and checking in frequently.
  • Learn about campus and community resources that may benefit your student to help them navigate their college experience.  
  • Read University and System policies to gain understanding on institutional positions on issues. Encourage your student to do the same.
  • Expect change. Your student will change during their time in college socially, behaviorally, personally, and perhaps vocationally. Be open to this change and willing to talk with your student about it and support it.
  • Making mistakes and learning from them is a part of growing into an adult. Trust your student to discover who they are and who they want to become.
  • Temper the urge to rush in and fix things. Your intervention sends a message to your student that you don’t trust their ability to handle their own affairs. This can hinder the development of independence, self esteem and self-confidence. 
  • Encourage independence, integrity, personal accountability, and establishing meaningful friendships and connections.
  • Support legislation to help college campuses succeed and stay safe for students like anti-hazing legislation, federal Pell Grant programming, federal Work-Study programming, etc.

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