​Academic Accommodations

Academic accommodations for students are determined on an individual case-by-case basis. Students with documented disabilities desiring an accommodation plan of support should schedule an appointment with Accessibility Resources.

Alternative Testing

Students requesting alternative testing services must have supporting documentation on file in Accessibility Resources indicating a need for testing accommodations. Testing accommodations may include extended time, quiet room, test scribe, test reader, computer use, etc.

Alternate Format Text

Students with print disabilities can request alternate format textbooks and reading material. Alt Format can help with a wide range of difficulties. Eligibility is determined on an individual basis.


Read&Write is a text-to-speech program that provides visual and auditory feedback of text. It offers support to all students especially struggling readers and writers, those with literacy difficulties or visual impairments and English language learners.

Audio Recording | Glean

Accessibility Resources, where appropriate, may recommend that a student with a qualifying disability be permitted to audio record class lectures as a form of academic accommodation.


Students who are limited in their ability to independently take effective notes in class for some disability-related reason may be eligible for notetaking services. Students must meet with Accessibility Resources to determine if notetaking service is an appropriate accommodation.

Deaf/HOH Services

Accessibility Resources provides services for students and the general public who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deaf/Blind for university-sponsored courses, programs, meetings, and events.

Adaptive Technology

A variety of assistive technology is available for eligible students. Materials are checked out at Accessibility Resources.

Service Animals

Service animals assisting individuals with disabilities are generally permitted in all facilities and programs on the Minnesota State University, Mankato campus except as described below.


Advocacy for some attendance leniency may be appropriate for some students with certain disabilities but ultimately the course integrity also needs to be upheld.

Early Registration

Students may be eligible to participate in Early Registration based on disability related need. The purpose of Early Registration is to provide an opportunity for students with disabilities to establish a class schedule that will accommodate their physical and/or academic needs.