Karaoke Etiquette

  • Please give ONE slip at a time. (We want to give everyone a chance to sing).
  • If you want to take the mic off the stand, please be careful with the equipment. (We don't want any technical difficulties).
  • If there are new participants or first-time singers, you will be pushed back to let the new participants join in on the fun.
  • Please leave pens and slips (We are losing pens every week and would really like to keep what we have).
  • Please be respectful to your fellow participants. (Some might have stage fright or might be uncomfortable singing in front of people, so PLEASE applaud for them when they are done singing).
  • Please ONLY join on stage when invited. (You are more than welcome to sing along off-stage with the participant).
  • Please do NOT damage our songbooks. (We already updated our books and would like to keep them in one piece instead of having pages ripped out).